Friday 7 February 2014


She was your dream come true, you ace, your love, your boo...she meant everything to you, her beauty resonated beyond face value, she made you smile, she built your confidence in you, you married her, because, even in her imperfection, she was perfection for you...she supported you, did bits and pieces to make sure you could get the qualifications you needed to be a better man, husband and father, she stood by you making ends meet, taking care of you and the children. On graduation day, you gave a speech and it was all about her, how GOD has so blessed you; on your first management promotion celebration, you gave thanks to GOD, referred to her as your beautiful wife; at the dinner for franchise owners, which you've now become, you said you had two people to thank, GOD and her...then you got more franchises, expanded to other arenas, now you are in business journals, being called to speak at seminars, the zeros behind the figures in your bank accounts are astronomical, you have houses everywhere, you have cars and jets...

Houses, cars, jets..., she needs to pull her weight, she needs to change and modernise herself. You got invited to the White House and you took your PA, because someone needed to attend to the kids and you don't like the idea of leaving them with the nanny, besides, your PA needed to be there, she looks good carrying your briefcase while clutching to your arm, yeah, suddenly, you start seeing your wife as not so attractive, you see her as a hindrance, you even suggested she should get a job, a job? She got you yours and there is more than enough money for her to never work for a hundred years...

What happened? The status and money you so wanted to use to say thank you to your wife and family has quadrupled, you don't need her any more? She's only good for looking after the children now, you've outgrown her, and your PA is younger and more've let the money change you, look at her, she has not changed, she is the same woman you could not wait to marry, she has shown you nothing but love all through, she stood by you when the PA would not even look at you, she taught you how to knot a tie, now you stand against her, create issues to cause fights with her, slowly turning her into what you know she is not, just to justify your ill actions, you want her to ask for a divorce, so you can use this same money to settle her and get her out of the picture, why? Please don't forget that even if she has no power, she was not the only one you thanked for your success, you thanked GOD and HE has power...I rest! ≈KDL®™©2014

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