Friday, 29 March 2013

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene, the clichés

Mary Magdalene's story is intimately linked with Jesus. She plays a starring role in one of the most powerful and important scenes in the Gospels.
Mary kneels semi-naked in the wilderness prayingMaria Magdalena, by Honoré Daumier (1808-1879) ©
When Jesus is crucified by the Romans, Mary Magdalene was there supporting him in his final terrifying moments and mourning his death. She also discovers the empty tomb, and she's a witness to the resurrection. She was there at the beginning of a movement that was going to transform the West.
But the Mary Magdalene that lives in our memories is quite different. In art, she's often semi-naked, or an isolated hermit repenting for her sins in the wilderness: an outcast. Her primary link with Jesus is as the woman washing and anointing his feet. But we know her best as a prostitute.
The whole story of Mary as a prostitute, who is fallen and redeemed, is a very powerful image of redemption a signal that no matter how low one has fallen, one can be redeemed.
Powerful as this image may be, it is not the story of Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene is mentioned in each of the four gospels in the New Testament, but not once does it mention that she was a prostitute or a sinner. At some point Mary Magdalene became confused with two other women in the Bible: Mary, the sister of Martha, and the unnamed sinner from Luke's gospel (7:36-50) both of whom wash Jesus' feet with their hair. In the 6th Century, Pope Gregory the Great made this assumption official by declaring in a sermon that these three characters were actually the same person: Mary Magdalene, repentant saint. The Catholic Church did later declare that Mary Magdalene was not the penitent sinner, but this was not until 1969. After so long the reputation still lingers.
Mary Magdalene is considered a saint by the Roman Catholic,Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran churches with a feast day of 22nd July. The Eastern Orthodox churches also commemorate her on the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers which is the second Sunday after Pascha (Easter). She is also an important figure in the Bahá'í faith.
Susan Haskins and Belinda Sykes discussed Mary's journey from sinner to saint on Woman's Hour.

Mary of Magdala

Although we know something about Jewish society in ancient Palestine 2,000 years ago, we know very little about Mary herself. The Bible provides no personal details of her age, status or family.
Her name, Mary Magdalene, gives us the first real clue about her. It suggests that she came from a town called Magdala. There is a place today called Magdala, 120 miles north of Jerusalem on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. We do know there was also an ancient place called Magdala from literature. The name occurs in the New Testament, and also in Jewish texts. Its full name is Magdala Tarichaea. Magdala seems to mean tower, and Tarichaea means salted fish. If the name of the town wasTower of Salted Fish, it's no surprise that its main business was fishing. As a woman living in Magdala, Mary may have worked in the fish markets.
Middle Eastern landscape with sparse grass and trees, ancient buildings and people in traditional dress sitting in the foregroundMagdala, taken circa 1890-1900©
One Jewish text which mentions Magdala, called Lamentations Raba, says is that Magdala is judged by God and destroyed because of its fornication. It is possible that the description of Magdala as a place of fornication is the origin of the idea that arose in western Christianity that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute.
We know there were brothels elsewhere in the Mediterranean, and Galilee was probably no exception. It was part of the Roman Empire, which placed a heavy tax burden on families, and often women paid the heaviest price.
The Roman conquest, and then Roman imperial rule, would have made quite a dramatic impact on Galilee. Economically it would have brought the people greater and greater tax burdens, and that would have put pressure on families.
When tax burdens were at their worst and a family could no longer pay off its debts, children were sometimes given up as slaves. Perhaps this was Mary Magdalene's fate.
With such a tough background, it's not hard to imagine that Mary might have been a prostitute, but this evidence is purely circumstantial. However, her name, Mary of Magdala, could suggest something else altogether: she was unmarried. A married woman would have carried her husband's name and Mary didn't.
There is nothing in the limited amount of material we have about Mary in the Gospel traditions that suggests she is married, she's never described as being a widow and she not said to have any children.
2,000 years ago an unmarried woman was viewed with suspicion. Perhaps this isolated Mary, but it wouldn't fully account for her negative image.

Mary, the outsider

Mary Magdalene, depicted as a fair-skinned woman with long hair and wearing red, holds a hand to her chest, seeming lost in thoughtPenitent Magdalene by El Greco, painted 1585-90 ©
Could anything else in Mary's life have made her an outcast? The Gospel of Luke tells us that Jesus cast seven demons out of Mary. (Luke 8:2)
Jesus was known as an exorcist. In all of the gospels, one of the principal things he is doing in his campaign for a renewal of Israel is exorcism. The exorcisms and healings probably go together with the teaching and preaching that the kingdom of God is at hand.
At that time, people believed that the demons possessed people who had done something wrong, and deserved to be possessed, whereas good, virtuous people were protected from demon possession.
Whatever the cause of her possession, Mary's exorcism is the catalyst which makes her sign up with the Jesus movement. The message that Jesus is said to have preached seems to have particular appeal for people who are in the margins of society. Luke chapter 8, tells us that Mary was one of Jesus' followers and travelled with him.

Apocryphal texts

But the Bible isn't the only source. In 1945 at Nag Hammadi, in southern Egypt, two men came across a sealed ceramic jar. Inside, they discovered a hoard of ancient papyrus books. Although they never received as much public attention as the Dead Sea Scrolls, these actually turn out to be much more important for writing the history of early Christianity. They are a cache of Christian texts.
The Nag Hammadi texts tell us about early Christians. They were written in Coptic, the language of early Christian Egypt. As most ancient Christian texts have been lost, this discovery was exceptional.
The discovery includes the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip and the Acts of Peter. None of these texts were included in the Bible, because the content didn't conform to Christian doctrine, and they're referred to as apocryphal. They tend to concentrate on things that one doesn't read about in the Bible. For example, New Testament gospels report that after the resurrection Jesus spent some time talking with the disciples, but you don't learn much about what he said. In the gospels of Nag Hammadi you can read what he said.
Mary and Mary Magdalene (bottom right) cuddling baby Jesus, who has a hand on Mary Magdalene's headMary, baby Jesus and Mary Magdalene, detail from a 1527-28 painting by Correggio ©
Although they're not Biblical texts, experts still believe that they give us significant insights into Christian history. In these apocryphal texts we might have genuine traditions about Jesus that for one reason or another didn't make it into the New Testament.
For the first time in hundreds of years there was a new source of information about Mary Magdalene. She appears very frequently as one of the prominent disciples of Jesus. In certain texts where Jesus is in discussion with his disciples, Mary Magdalene asks many informed questions. Whereas the other disciples at times seem confused, she is the one who understands.
One of the documents discovered at Nag Hammadi is the Gospel of Philip, in which Mary Magdalene is a key figure. It has been the cause of one of the most controversial claims ever made about her.
During their long burial in the desert, some of the books were attacked by ants. In this Gospel, the ants made a hole in a very crucial place. The text says:
And the companion of the [...] Mary Magdalene. [...] loved her more than all the disciples, and used to kiss her often on her [...]. The rest of the disciples [...]. They said to him "Why do you love her more than all of us?" The Savior answered and said to them, "Why do I not love you like her? When a blind man and one who sees are both together in darkness, they are no different from one another. When the light comes, then he who sees will see the light, and he who is blind will remain in darkness."
Gospel of Philip
The lacuna, or gap, which hides where Jesus kissed Mary has tantalised scholars for decades.

Were Jesus and Mary lovers?

Some scholars have interpreted the kiss in a more spiritual sense and see kissing as a symbol for an intimate reception of teaching of the word of God, of learning. The image of Jesus and Mary as engaged in mouth-to-mouth closeness suggests not necessarily sexuality, but the transmission of divine knowledge.
Mary Magdalene, depicted as a fair-skinned woman with long hair and wearing red.  She is holding a cross and a skull and has her free hand clasped to her chest. She is looking up at a beam of light from an unseen sourceThe Penitent Magdalene by Guido Reni (1575-1642) ©
Mary Magdalene appears in this text also not only as the disciple he loved most but also as a symbolic figure of heavenly wisdom. These stories of Mary - as Jesus' closest companion and a symbol of heavenly wisdom - are in sharp contrast with the Mary Magdalene of popular imagination.
"Apocryphal" took on very negative connotations, especially in comparison to the Bible. It often means that it's not to be read, not to be taken seriously, not to be considered, not true. The contents of these books are regarded by many people as legends. So can we believe the Gospel of Philip? Was Mary really Jesus' closest companion? Well, there is other evidence for this, and some of it is even in the Bible itself.

Mary's biggest moment

The Bible says that Mary Magdalene was present at the two most important moments in the story of Jesus: the crucifixion and the resurrection. Mary Magdalene was a prominent figure at both these events.
We're told that Mary Magdalene was one of the women who kept vigil at Jesus' tomb. It was customary at this time for Jewish women to prepare bodies for burial. Corpses were considered unclean, and so it was always a woman's task to handle them.
When Mary goes to the tomb, Jesus' body is no longer there. The fullest account of Mary's role after discovering the empty tomb is in the Gospel of John. She is in a state of shock and runs to where the disciples are gathered to tell them the news. When she reports to the disciples she is not believed. Peter and another disciple return with her to the tomb, to see for themselves.
When they enter, Peter reacts to the sight of the discarded linen burial cloth with anger and dismay. But the other disciple understands what has happened and concludes that Jesus must have risen from the dead.
The two of them leave without a backward glance at Mary.
Then, something even more extraordinary happens. It is Mary Magdalene's biggest moment.
Mary is alone when someone asks her why she's crying. She believes it's the gardener, and says, "they have taken my lord's body and I do not know where it is". The figure says her name. And then she sees Jesus. She is overwhelmed and says "Master!" and goes forward to reach out to him, but he stops her. He says "don't touch me". Instead, she must go to the others and tell them that he has risen from the dead. It's an awesome moment. Jesus stands before her, yet he's beyond her reach.
Mary Magdalene kneels before Jesus, who is standing in front of her wearing a shroud. She has her hand drawn back as if afraid to touch him and Jesus is holding a hand out to stop her coming any closerNoli me tangere (Don't touch me), Correggio, circa 1518 ©
We cannot say if Jesus really stood before her resurrected, or if Mary simply believed she had seen him. But either way, in this one moment, Mary's experience took the movement in an important new direction.
A new concept developed, which had nothing to with what Jesus himself was preaching, and this is the concept that Jesus didn't die - or he did but he was raised from the dead. The movement is not a failure. It is in fact a great success. The person who declares this is Mary Magdalene.
Jesus' resurrection was the turning point for Christianity. This was when it changed from a small movement to a whole new religion. And Mary Magdalene was a key figure in this event.
You might think, then, that at the very least Mary would be recognised as an apostle - one of the early missionaries who founded the religion - as she seems to meet all the criteria set out in the Bible.

The Gospel of Mary

The reason why she is not perhaps lies in another long lost apocryphal text. In a Cairo bazaar in 1896, a German scholar happened to come across a curious papyrus book. Bound in leather and written in Coptic, this was the Gospel of Mary.
Like the books found at Nag Hammadi, the Gospel according to Mary Magdalene is also considered an apocryphal text. The story it contains begins some time after the resurrection. The disciples have just had a vision of Jesus.
Jesus has encouraged his disciples to go out and preach his teachings to the world, but they are afraid to do so because he was killed for it, and they say "if they killed him, they are going to kill us too". It's Mary who steps forward and says: don't be worried, he promised he would be with us to protect us. It says she turns their hearts toward the good and they begin to discuss the words of the Saviour.
In texts like the Gospel of Philip, Mary was presented as a symbol of wisdom. However in the Gospel of Mary, she is the one in charge, telling the disciples about Jesus' teachings.
Mary, depicted as an old woman with her hair wrapped in a scarf, is looking down at a skull with her hands clasped, seeming deep in prayerMagdalena in Meditation by Jan Lievens ©
At this point Peter asks Mary to tell them some things that she might have heard, but which the other disciples haven't. She says "Yes, I will tell you what has been hidden from you". She talks about a vision she had of Jesus and a conversation that she had with him. As the Gospel tells it, Mary then relates the details of this conversation, which is to do with spiritual development and the soul's lifelong battle with evil.
At this point controversy arises, and Andrew steps in and says "well, I don't know what the rest of you think, but these things seem very strange to me, and it seems that she's telling us teachings that are different from the Saviour." Peter then chimes in and he says, "Are we supposed to now all turn around and listen to her? Would Jesus have spoken privately with a woman rather than openly to us? Did he prefer her to us?"
Matthew defends Mary and quells Peter's attack on her. In the text, Peter's problem seems to be that Jesus selected Mary above the other disciples to interpret his teachings. Peter sees Mary as a rival for the leadership of the group itself.
Peter need not have feared. Most people think of Peter as the rock upon which the church was established. He is the main or major disciple figure, and Mary Magdalene is a kind of side figure in the cast of characters.
One of the absolutely fascinating things about the Gospel of Mary is it really asks us to rethink that story about Christian history: did all the disciples get it? Did they really understand and preach the truth?
Perhaps the Gospel of Mary was just too radical. It presents Mary as a teacher and spiritual guide to the other disciples. She's not just a disciple; she's the apostle to the apostles.

Calabar Jazz Festival Featuring Arts Like Darey Art Alade, Asa, Burna Boy for

The annual  world famous Calabar Festival each December, Calabar the capital of Cross River State is set to be the location for yet another international music treat, the Calabar International Jazz Festival. This festival designed to provide the ideal Easter weekend getaway for everyone.

Connoisseurs of Smooth Jazz, funky R 'n' B and sweet soul music can look forward to 3-Nights of fabulous headline performances by Eric Benet (US), Jonathan Butler (SA) and Nigerian superstars Burna Boy, Asa and Darey. See more after the cut...

Visitors to Calabar also get to have an experience that will literally take their breath away. The ancient city of Calabar with its undulating landscape, historically significant as the first capital city of Nigeria, is the cleanest, greenest and safest capital in Nigeria.

In addition to the concerts, there will be fun day-time activities and tours for all the family; fabulous VIP after-parties, and, of course, an opportunity to sample some of the local delicacies which have led to Calabar being acclaimed the best kitchen in the country!

Tickets and all-inclusive travel packages to Calabar available and include return flights, deluxe hotel room with breakfast, ground transfers to hotel and event venues, VVIP concert tickets, exclusive after-parties with the artistes, daytime family activities and tours.

For ticket purchase visit

OSCAR PISTORIUS Don't Worry, I'm Not RACING Anytime Soon

The South African  Blade runner Oscar Pistorius insists he WILL NOT enter any track meets in the near future ... even though a judge has cleared the way for the accused murderer to compete again ... Our source has learned. 

Pistorius -- who was known as "Blade Runner" before he was known as "That Guy Who Probably Murdered His Girlfriend" -- scored a huge court victory today when the judge eased his bail restrictions so he could leave the country to compete in races. 

As part of the deal, the 26-year-old sprinter must run his travel plans by officials at least one week before he leaves the country.

But Oscar's rep tells our source ... "Oscar does not intend to compete. He merely challenged the travel restrictions imposed, since he was not considered a flight risk during the bail hearing."

The rep continues, "At this point in time there are no plans for him to travel at all."


It was a battle of the baby bulge on Wednesday, as maternity fashionista Kim Kardashian bedazzled on the streets of NYC -- while Jessica Simpson shopped in her comfy sweats in Los Angeles

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Happy Easter To All Our Readers and Well Wishers

Nicki Minaj on her ‘American Idol’ stint: ‘I’ve been spectacular’

There are only eight contestants left on this season’s “American Idol,” and judge Nicki Minaj decided to take a moment to reflect on her time as a judge on the show.
The beef with Mariah? No. The early criticisms from Steven Tyler and T-Boz? Nah.
Nicki says everything has been great–especially her performance.
“My best and worst ‘Idol’ moments? I don’t have a worst ‘Idol’ moment. I've been spectacular. Yes, I am going to toot my own horn,” she said during a conference call with media. “And then my best moment is every single moment. I’ll toot it again. … I feel like my entire career and life, I've been judged by people who did not really know me. I definitely think that they probably were right to assume what they had assumed about me, because there was such little to go on out there. I’m just happy that ‘Idol’ producers gave me a shot on the show and to be able to show who I really was, because I feel like I’m every single woman.”
“I am absolutely just being me. I didn't know what to expect going into the show. I was so nervous. I had a lot of anxiety,” she added. “I definitely play with my fans and speak to my fans as though they’re my friends, and that’s why I started giving the contestants nicknames. I can’t be someone I’m not. I can’t do it. And so I’m happy that people are responding well to it. If I’m polarizing, I’m polarizing. I don’t know but I definitely didn't have a pre-conceived notion of who I was going to be on that panel. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I feel like people have gotten to know the real me.”
She also revealed who she thinks has the best chance of emerging victorious at the end of the season.
“I would say Kree and Angie, I think, are front-runners. Kree, Angie and Candice,” she shared. “I think that outside of their voices, they’ve just sort of won people over already, which I think is evident in just what I see on Twitter with my fans. Those three seem to have really made an impact.”
She also added that there was “no way” a man will be winning “Idol” this season

Rapper attempts to kill friend to join ‘Illuminati’ and become famous

Some Nigerian artists are joining Illuminati, just for fame, and wealth, why sell your soul for devil just because of fame, why join Illuminati? please readers this story is not fiction, it is real,, the likes like dbanj, psquare to name few Nigerian artists are believed to have sold their soul to the devil, by joining the Illuminati,  
It can be dangerous when a conspiracy theory gets out of hand. For several years, individuals who have very little experience with proper research have created videos and books about the Illuminati’s role in hip-hop.
These individuals post ill-advised documents that suggest that all great hip-hop stars had to sacrifice someone or themselves to reach stardom in the entertainment industry.
One inspiring rapper from Richmond, Virginia took the conspiracy theory a bit too far.
According to reports by the Times Dispatch, Wafeeq Sabir El-Amin attempted to murder his friend while the two were in a studio. El-Amin told his friend that he needed to sacrifice someone to join the Illuminati and become famous in rap.
Soon after, El-Amin pointed a gun at his friend and fired a shot. The bullet grazed his friend in the arm. The victim was able to wrestle the gun away from El-Amin and shot him in the stomach.
El-Amin is awaiting trial in June

THE GAME I'm Not Banging Khloe Kardashian

THE GAME I'm Not Banging  Khloe Kardashian

The Game tells our source in LA, he is NOT schtupping Khloe Kardashian ... despite reports to the contrary.

Photos surfaced today showing Game and Khloe -- who's married to Lamar Odom -- hugging it out in L.A.'s Runyon Canyon Park last month ... where Game's been doing a "60 Days of Fitness" program. 

You'll recall, Khloe's brother Rob Kardashian is also doing the program ... and Game tells us, Khloe is too, which is why they were hanging out.

The Game says, "The pictures that they see of us out together are because she is a part of my #60DaysofFitness team."

The Game adds, "Khloe is my friend. She is like a sister. We have never and will never be sleeping together. Lamar is my homie and her husband and I wish people wouldn’t spread such false rumors."

Zuma urges world to pray for hospitalized Nelson Mandela

Johannesburg (CNN) -- South Africa appealed to the world Thursday to pray for former President Nelson Mandela, who was readmitted to a hospital overnight for a recurring lung infection.
Mandela was conscious when he was taken to the hospital just before midnight Wednesday, President Jacob Zuma's office said.
It's the second time the anti-apartheid icon and the nation's first black president has been hospitalized this month.
More than two weeks ago, he was taken to a hospital for what officials described as a routine checkup.
Mandela, 94, has become increasingly frail over the years, and has not appeared in public since South Africa hosted the World Cup in 2010.
"Doctors are attending to him, ensuring that he has the best possible expert medical treatment and comfort," Zuma's office said in a statement Thursday.
2012: Granddaughters: He's doing well
2012: Nelson Mandela back home
"We appeal to the people of South Africa and the world to pray for our beloved Madiba and his family, and to keep them in their thoughts."
"Madiba" is Mandela's clan name, which is widely used in the nation.
South Africa: Following Nelson Mandela
Zuma's office did not say to which hospital he was admitted, but renewed calls for his privacy.
Mandela has been treated for the ailment before. He underwent treatment for a lung infection and had surgery to remove gallstones over the Christmas holiday in 2012;one of his longest hospital stays since his release from prison in 1990.
He suffered from tuberculosis during his imprisonment, and has battled respiratory infections over the years. He also was treated for an acute respiratory infection in 2011, among other recurrent bouts of illnesses.
Considered the founding father of South Africa's democracy, Mandela became an international figure when he endured 27 years in prison for fighting apartheid, the country's system of racial segregation.
In 1993, he and then-South African President F.W. de Klerk jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Mandela was elected president a year later, serving only one term, as he had promised.
Despite only rare public appearances in recent years, he retains his popularity and is considered a hero of democracy in the nation. Last year, South Africa launched a new batch of banknotes with a picture of a smiling Mandela on the front, a testament to his iconic status.
Mandela's impact extends far beyond South African borders. After he left office, he was involved in mediating conflicts from Africa to the Middle East.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

JUSTIN BIEBER I Didn't Spit on Him ... I Didn't Threaten to Kill Him ....

JUSTIN BIEBER I Didn't Spit on Him ...  I Didn't Threaten to Kill Him .... 

Justin Bieber is adamant his neighbor is LYING -- insisting he NEVER spat or threatened to kill anyone during a heated exchange at his home in Calabasas ... sources close to the singer tell our source. 

Our sources tell us ... the singer isn't denying that he confronted his neighbor when the guy stormed on to his property early Tuesday morning ... but Bieber is saying things never turned physical.  

As we first reported, the neighbor was steaming mad when he confronted Bieber ... and yelled at Justin for racing his Ferrari around the private community at breakneck speeds. 

We're told Justin believes he had a right to engage the guy in the argument ... but the singer is telling people no spit ever left his mouth. JB also insists he never threatened to do the neighbor any harm. 

Plus, our sources tell us ... Justin's camp believes the neighbor was trespassing during the entire incident

Fashion Insanity: See the $91,500 T-Shirt!

Fashion Insanity: See the $91,500 T-Shirt!

You balked when we brought you the $40,000 crocodile backpack last year.

Now, there's a crocodile t-shirt that costs more than twice that much. Yes, a t-shirt!

The tee is from Hermes' Spring/Summer 2013 men's line. You may recognize Hermes as the label behind the infamous Birkin bags. The crocodile-skin shirt is being sold at Hermes' Madison Avenue flagship for ... wait for it ... $91,500. With New York's sales tax, the shirt's price could easily push into six figures
Of course, animal rights activists are in a furor over the shirt.

"The highest price for this rather cheap-looking and ludicrous Hermes T-shirt is paid by the crocodiles who were bludgeoned to death or even skinned alive to make it," PETA spokesperson Colleen O’Brien told our source in NYC. "PETA suggests showing creativity, not cruelty to animals, and offering killer looks that no one had to be killed for to create.

Chief Oluwole Awolowo, son of late sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo is dead.

Chief Oluwole Awolowo, son of late sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo is dead.

Chief Awolowo died 5.40pm Nigerian time at Wellington hospital, St Johnswood, London following complications arising from a car crash that occurred on September 30, 2006.
In a statement by Edward Dickson, Editor-in-Chief  and  Managing Director, African Newspapers of Nigeria (ANN) Plc, Publishers of the Tribune titles, “Chief Awolowo  had been in and out of hospital, home and abroad, since he was involved in the ghastly accident seven years ago on the Lagos-Ibadan expressway.”


Nicki Minaj Big Willy

Nicki Minaj Big Willy
Nicki Minaj Big Willy
Nicki Minaj Big Willy

Angry female fan reacts to Tuface Dubai wedding

Angry female fan reacts to Tuface Dubai wedding, I think its hilarious……….

I never knew or comprehend that Mr 2face Innocent Idibia had this spirit of Wickedness in him. We have been encouraging him even he was nothing till now that he felt that he has arrived.
2Face, We all bought every CD you has ever played, paid for all the shows your attended, devout our time to listen to all your songs, even when the songs may not meet out expectations, as an encouragement we continued to listen to them.
Yet you didn’t show us appreciation. 2Face, Let me ask you a question. How many Arabs has bought your CDs or listen to your any of your songs?Annie Macaulay’s Parents are not Arabs as to say your choose Arab-land because of proximity to her Parents.
With your spirit of wickedness, you carry your wedding to Dubai so that Nigerian fans will not eat rice or cake or drink your mineral or even our local beer. You know for sure that most of your fans can’t afford the ticket to Dubai.
You denied your fans who bought and paid for your CDs and Shows the generational opportunity to see a glimpse of your wedding, because your are sure that WE fans are not important, Nigeria is not good enough to host a Celebrity Wedding.
Tomorrow your friends and colleagues in the entertainment Industry who are Naturally Copy-cats will join the trend of wasting our Foreign Exchange in countries that see Nigerians as no body.
Well, let me tell you, get ready to sell your next album in Dubai, perform all your new shows in Arab, with new found Arab fans, as For me, I will not buy or patronize your Music ever, again.
Though it is certain that you are so wicked to us, but we will only forgive you on two condition:-
1] Apologise to Nigerian for refusing to create History in Our Land.
2] You Must take up a Campaign to your copy-cat friends and Colleagues in the entertainment industry to learn how to Appreciate, patronize Nigeria and Thinking Nigeria, First.
by Amina Umar


Justin Bieber is a menace on wheels, driving at speeds approaching 100 mph in his quiet neighborhood and endangering children and dogs ... this according to multiple residents.

We broke the story ... one of Justin's neighbors filed a battery report Tuesday after a heated altercation on the singer's property in his uber-exclusive gated community in Calabasas.   

Justin's security people say the neighbor went nuclear over parties that were thrown at the Bieb's house while he was performing in Europe.  But we're hearing a VERY different story from neighbors.

We've learned the man who confronted Justin told Sheriff's deputies ... the singer was driving "unbelievably recklessly" through the neighborhood in his Ferrari.  The man -- whose hobby is racing cars -- estimated Justin's speed at 100 mph.  He told cops he was really upset because at the time Justin was burning rubber (just before 9 AM) his wife was walking the dog.

The man also says a lot of kids were on the street because of Spring break, and Justin put the entire neighborhood at risk.  Multiple neighbors back his story.

We're told the man was NOT upset by the partying at Justin's house.  He said it was "no big deal."  But he admits he was "smoking hot" when he went to Justin's home to tell him what an inconsiderate jerk he was by driving at breakneck speed in the hood.

The man -- who is 5'7" and 135 lbs -- claims Justin made some sort of contact with him and thus the battery allegation

LUIS SUAREZ could face a lengthy international ban after appearing to PUNCH an opponent while playing for Uruguay.

LUIS SUAREZ could face a lengthy international ban after appearing to PUNCH an opponent while playing for Uruguay. The Liverpool striker was jostling with Nottingham Forest defender Gonzalo Jara during his country’s 2-0 defeat in Chile when he struck out with his fist. Argentine referee Nestor Pitana took no action at the time but did book Suarez for protesting about a decision later in the game. That yellow card means he will miss their next World Cup qualifier with Venezuela. Uruguay face an uphill battle to qualifier for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. They sit two points off a fifth-placed play-off spot in the South American qualifying table.

Kim Said Nigeria is a DISGUSTING Country and Their Women Look Like APES

Kim Kardashian just merked herself. She was having a conversation with her sister Khloe and she accidentally tweeted it! 

The tweet completely BLASTS Nigeria and is causing an uproar in the Twittersphere. Not only does she call Nigeria a disgusting country but she says the woman look like apes. You gotta check it out:

Darey is so a stupid wanna African Nigerian Boy, after paying Kim 500,000 USD. JUST BECAUSE he wanted a photo with Kim. This what shame he brought to Africa. This fake Nigerians wannabe so called celebs, need to be exposed and broaden their horizon. gone are the days, when you see an albino, he think that he is oyinbo, THEY go to SA, and think the travel abroad. They took picture with wax images and say they seen George Bush.. Shame Dare, Dare to you, Pussy nigga

Tuesday, 26 March 2013


LINDSAY LOHAN I'M IN JAIL  With Eddie Winslow! 

We've said it all along ... Lindsay Lohan can't dodge jail forever ... and our prophecy came true yesterday during one of Lindsay's scenes on "Anger Management."

But just like real life, Lindsay -- who plays herself on the show -- didn't do the jail scene as a prisoner ... we're told her character was there to do community service, hence why she's not wearing an orange jumpsuit. (Beats the morgue.)

As we reported, Lindsay -- who also does a bed scene with Charlie Sheen -- was a dream to work with ... nailing all her lines and being super nice to everyone on set.

Lindsay even posed for a bunch of pics with other cast members, including Darius McCrary ... aka Eddie Winslow from the 90s show "Family Matters" ... who does play a prisoner.

When it comes to Lindsay's acting career ... there's no contest.

KIM KARDASHIAN Baby Bulging at the Seams

KIM KARDASHIAN  Baby Bulging at the Seams

KIM KARDASHIAN  Baby Bulging at the Seams
KIM KARDASHIAN  Baby Bulging at the Seams
Mom jeans and stretch pants be damned, because Kim Kardashian isn't letting a little thing like carrying an unborn child to term stop her from wearing skin tight uncomfortable leather maternity dresses.
By the grace of God, the 32-year-old mom-to-be somehow managed to stay upright in a pair of sky high stiletto heels and successfully wedge all of her childbearing hips, ass and thighs into a form fitting mustard yellow sheath while maneuvering through the streets of NYC on Tuesday




A poor boy who was begging from door to door to feed his hungry stomach, decided he would ask for a meal at next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young girl opened the door. Instead of a meal, he asked for a glass of water. 

The girl thought, he looked hungry. So, she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, & asked thereafter: how much do I owe you? You don't owe me anything, she replied. Mother has tot us never to accept pay 4 kindness. He said, then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Years later, that girl (now a woman)became critically ill, & the local doctors tried their possible best to save her life but they couldn't cure her. They finally sent her to the big city where specialists studied her rare illness. Dr. Kelly was called in for the consultation, when he heard the name of the town where she came from, a strange light filled his eyes.

Immediately, he rose & went down the hall of the hospital to her room. He recognised her at once. He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day, he gave special attention to that case. After a long struggle, the battle was won! Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the bill and It was sent to her room.

The woman feared opening it cos she was sure it might take the rest of her life savings to pay for it . Finally she looked, & noticed something was written at the edge of the note, 'Paid In Full With a Glass of Milk'. Tears filled her eyes as she immediately remembered.

Every form of kindness you show is never in vain, it reproduces itself. Well, not necessarily before your eyes, but it always does. I've been kind to you by sharing this story. So, be kind to share it with others, Its good to be good. Always be nice for sure it will come back to you.


Monday, 25 March 2013

Chinese busy shopping for dinner. Have you ever tasted a dog?????

Chinese busy shopping for dinner. Have you ever tasted a dog?????

Would you eat a dog??? Are they yummy?



three corpses (identified ladies photos ) that their head has been beheaded suspected to be female students was thrown from a range rover sport jeep at ijebu-ode – ibadan road just now, one is fair in complexion with unilag school ID card(Yetunde Ajao)inside her hand bag. The second is an OOUITE student(Oyindamola Esan) also fair in complexion and kinda tall, and last one is short, plumy and dark, please if you know any of these girls kindly notify their friends or family member to come right away and remove their corpse… on coming vehicles can run them at anytime because they were dumped by the road side.

Please if you know any of these girls kindly notify their friends or family member to come right away and remove their corpse. May their souls RIP!

press SHARE to circulate!